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or call us at 325-944-8858

Ask about our Flight Training, FBO Services, Hangar rental, or Aircraft Management.

We also have a free Ground School Class to help students prepare for their FAA written exams!


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Aircraft Sales

Looking to purchase a new plane or wanting to sell an antique aircraft?

Give Jon Shorey a call and discuss your needs at 325-262-2513 or the Skyline Aviation Inc. landline 325-944-8858.

Jon has helped many airplane buyers and sellers find the winning combination with honest advice, years of experience, and the know-how to assist in the greatest purchase of a lifetime. Jon has the ability to test fly many types of aircraft before a purchase is made, as well as ferry your newly purchased plane to Texas. The freedom that owning an aircraft can buy is invaluable.

Contact Jonathan Shorey 325-262-2513 for list of aircraft for sale

Contact Jonathan Shorey 325-262-2513 for list of aircraft for sale